Berlin Consult GCC. PO Box 145172, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Tel: +971 2 557 2784;  Technical: +971 50 159 1865;  Business Coaching: +971 50 141 8790


Berlin Consult

Bringing Best Practice to the Gulf Market


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Berlin Consult GCC was set-up to bring high quality expertise to the Gulf Market for Business Management and Technical Consulting Services.

All our consultants are renowned industry experts, each with over 25 years experience and international management expertise from a variety of backgrounds such as Energy & Asset Management, Property & Facilities Management, Business & Marketing as well as training and coaching professionals.

The three key sectors where we provide our services are:

  1. Business & Management Consultancy;

  2. Technical Services; and

  3. Business Coaching & Technical Training.

Based in the UAE, Berlin Consult is the brain-child of Martina Hakim, who recognised the need for effective, pragmatic and goal orientated expertise in the Gulf market. The vehicle to achieve these objectives would be through highly experienced industry experts, who can bring a combination of best practice and international experience in their specific fields.

The presentation “Co-Generation: Options & Implementation” at The 2nd Industrial Utilities Conference, Dubai can be viewed here.